Indian Master Mind Headlines

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How to Block a Website on your PC

Hiiieeezzz Everyone!!!!

In this my post i'll give you a trick to how to block a website on your pc, that you dont want to run on your PC. Many times peoples ask me that there is any way to block sites on a computer. Then i think it is a very serious question. coz every parents are worried about their childrens. Because no parents want that their child use this Information Technology in negative way.
So this is a solution to block websites on PC,
In my opinion there are two ways to block sites:
  •  You can use licenced anti-virus softwares. They provide better encryption to block sites. you can add passwords so that ur kid wont open it.
  •  Use my trick to block sites that you want to block for free.
There is an file in Windows OS named HOSTS. All you have to do some changes in Hosts file.
1. Click on start button & then click on run.
2. In the run dialog box type %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts {This command is for windows xp\vista}

    If you are using another type of OS, the location of host file may be depend on it.
    • For Win NT / 2000 / 2003 / XP / Vista / Win7 : type the following command in RUN dialog box %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
    • For Win 95 / 98 / Me : %windir%\
    • For Mac OS 9 or earlier, goto System folder >> Prefrences
    • For Mac OS X, the location of file is /private/etc/hosts
    • For all type of Linux or Unix distributions, the file is at /etc/hosts dd
    3. When you click OK on the Run dialog box, it will show you a Open With dialog box, click on Notepad option & then click OK.

    4. Now the HOSTS file will open in Notepad.
    5. Type the websites names on the end of the page. see below:

    For example: If you want to block YAHOO just type    
    Be sure that you've type the address of site  after the Localhost               localhost

    6. After typing the names of websites, Just save & close the file.
    Now open your web browser & see what is says about it.

    Yiipppiiiiiiiiiii    It works.............!!!!!

    Enjoy !!
    Good Day!!!

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