Indian Master Mind Headlines

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Save your Files & Folders from Power Cuts

Hiiieeezzz Everyone!!!!
Hope you all likes the previous posts & Hacking part-2. Today i'm gonna tell you a very useful trick.

Re-open the Unclosed folders on Startup
In this post i'll give u a very useful trick for your pc. Many times it happens with users due to power cuts, who dont have any Power backup or UPS facility, computer shuts down due to power failure & the opened folders are closed. some times its not matter to us but sometimes that folder is in very complicated directory where we forget the path of that folder. So use my trick to get rid of this problem. With the use of this trick when you start your windows the unclosed folders will automatically opens at startup.

Goto : 
(i) Click on Start Button & then click on Run command.
(ii) In the RUN dialog box type Regedit.exe
(iii) Now the Registry window will open, there in Left panel go to:
HKEY_Current_User >> Software >> Microsoft >> Windows >> Current Version >> Explorer >> Advanced

(iv) Now In the right panel Double click on PersistBrowsers & change its value to 1 (Numeric One). We entered the value 1 because it specify that the folders are to be re-open at the system startup.

Now open some folders & directly puch the button of restart on your CPU cabinet.
when the window starts up the same folders automatically opens up.
It done!!!

Good Day!!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hack your OWN pc - Part-2

Hiiieeezzz Everyone!!!!

Hope you all likes the previous posts & Hacking part-1. With this post, we're going forward with hack your own pc part-2.

Add Command Prompt to Every Folder
In this post i'll give you a little hack to your Right click. This trick will very helpful to those who uses command prompt very much. With this hack, you can quickly launch command prompt with your right click. All you have to do some changes in Windows Registry folder.

Goto :
(i) Click on start & then click on RUN.
(ii) In the RUN dialog box type Regedit.exe.
(iii) In the left panel of Registry Editor window goto:
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ shell
(iv) Now right click on SHELL key & then click on New & then click on Key.

(v) It will create a new sub key under the Shell key. Now rename the new key as COMMAND.
(vi) Now the directory will be as 
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ Shell \ Command
(vii) In the right panel of Command directory change the value of Default. Double click on Default & enter the value data as text whatever you want to show on the right click, like i entered  is "Open the Command Right Now!!!" (without quotes)

(viii) After doing this, Now create a new sub key under the Command key that you've created yet.
(ix) After creating a new key, rename it with Command.
Now the directory will be as
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ Shell \ Command \ Command
(x) Now in the right panel of new Command key, Change the value of default to 
"cmd.exe /k cd %1" (without quotes)

(xi) Now its done. Close the Editor window & right click on any folder in your window OS, it will show Open the Command Right Now!!! or the text you've entered.

Now you dont have to type & run again the command prompt. Coz it is in your Right click.

Good Day!!!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Clean Your RAM Memory

Hiiieeezzz Everyone!!!! 

Today in this extreme fast technology period, where peoples are buying PCs like Core i7, Core i5 or Dual Core, etc processors fitted with a huge RAM memory such as 2gb, 3gb, 4gb or etc. They wont have complaint of slowing down their computers with lots of applications running at one time. But still there are some peoples who wont upgrade their pc & still want to run their pc smoothly. It all happens due to low RAM memory. With the low RAM memory user face the problems like system slow down or applications take more time to run or opened up.
In this my post i'll give you a simple command to clean this problem.
All you have to do is:
  1. First of all minimize or close all running applications on system.
  2. Right click on desktop & then click on NEW.
  3. In the new dialog box click on SHORTCUT.
  4. In the CREATE SHORTCUT dialog box type the following code:  %windir%\system32\rundll32.exe advapi32.dll,ProcessIdleTasks 
  5. Click on next & give it a name & then click on finish.

Its done. Now whenever you feel that your pc is going slow due to low ram or applications taking more time to run, just double click on it & it will automatically cleans the RAM memory.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

How to Block a Website on your PC

Hiiieeezzz Everyone!!!!

In this my post i'll give you a trick to how to block a website on your pc, that you dont want to run on your PC. Many times peoples ask me that there is any way to block sites on a computer. Then i think it is a very serious question. coz every parents are worried about their childrens. Because no parents want that their child use this Information Technology in negative way.
So this is a solution to block websites on PC,
In my opinion there are two ways to block sites:
  •  You can use licenced anti-virus softwares. They provide better encryption to block sites. you can add passwords so that ur kid wont open it.
  •  Use my trick to block sites that you want to block for free.
There is an file in Windows OS named HOSTS. All you have to do some changes in Hosts file.
1. Click on start button & then click on run.
2. In the run dialog box type %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts {This command is for windows xp\vista}

    If you are using another type of OS, the location of host file may be depend on it.
    • For Win NT / 2000 / 2003 / XP / Vista / Win7 : type the following command in RUN dialog box %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts
    • For Win 95 / 98 / Me : %windir%\
    • For Mac OS 9 or earlier, goto System folder >> Prefrences
    • For Mac OS X, the location of file is /private/etc/hosts
    • For all type of Linux or Unix distributions, the file is at /etc/hosts dd
    3. When you click OK on the Run dialog box, it will show you a Open With dialog box, click on Notepad option & then click OK.

    4. Now the HOSTS file will open in Notepad.
    5. Type the websites names on the end of the page. see below:

    For example: If you want to block YAHOO just type    
    Be sure that you've type the address of site  after the Localhost               localhost

    6. After typing the names of websites, Just save & close the file.
    Now open your web browser & see what is says about it.

    Yiipppiiiiiiiiiii    It works.............!!!!!

    Enjoy !!
    Good Day!!!

    Thursday, September 16, 2010

    Hack your OWN pc - Part-1

    Hiiieeezzz Everyone!!!!
    In this my post i'll give u some tricks to hack your own pc. Hacking your own pc means to know each & every thing about your pc.

    Disable User Tracking
    Unless to most users - except system administrators, the inbuilt user tracking system uses up precious resources.The system keep track of the applications run by the user, the files & folder used and the path followed by it. Did you know that your Windows OS was spying on you all this time. Dont worry!!! You can disable this to free up system resources.
    Go to:-
    (i) Click on start & then click on Run or simply press the win + r buttons.
    (ii) In the run dialog box type regedit.exe  or  regedt32.exe.

    (iii) Now the Registry Editor window will open.
    (iv) In the left panel of the window goto
          HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer
    or follow the graph below
    (v) Now in the right panel of the window, double click on the NoInstrumentation registry & set the value data to 1(Numeric one).

     This will disable most of the user tracking features from your system.
    If there is no registry named NoInstrumentation, you need to add it by yourself.
    Right click on the right panel of the Registry Editor window.
    Then click on new, & then select DWORD value. 

    Rename it as NoInstrumentation.
    After renaming, Right click on it & then select modify.
    Set the value data to 1.

    Good Day!!

    Friday, September 10, 2010

    How To Protect Your Website Against Hacking

    Hiiiieeezz Everyone!!!

    In this post I m giving u some basic tricks for protecting your website from hacking.

    Today in the age of affiliate marketing, more and more people are creating their own sites to market products. Having your own website will definitely help you in getting more customer purchasing your products. You will also attract hackers to play around with your site, if you have not taken enough care to protect your site. There are many hacks possible in almost all the programming languages used for websites today. With little care you can protect your site and your online identity.

    The most common type of hacking is the Cross site scripting also called as XSS. The cross site scripting can be carried out in different ways, DOM-based, stored or reflected. Instead of looking into what these hacks are, it's best to understand how you can protect your sites from such hacks. The best way to protect your site from such attacks, is to ensure you validate all the inputs to your site. Any form of inputs like page headers, cookies, query string, hidden fields used on forms and forms fields used to gather some sort of input from the users should be validated. Many site owners normally user web forms for subscription to gather user email. Such inputs should be validated against expected input types and length. Any input to the web forms should always be HTML encrypted to avoid any unwanted script elements. The best way to validate inputs to the site would be to validate against what should be allowed rather than what should not be allowed.

    The second most common hacking technique is the Google hacking. Today most search engines provide lot of tools to webmasters to track and analyze their site rankings. Google has become the most important search engine and it seems to be on top of the list for both web site owners as well as hackers. Google hacking refers to the techniques used to gain access to unauthorized information through advanced search queries. Google hacking employs searching sites using special characters, logical operators and operators such as cache, filetype, link, site, intitle, inurl. Many web masters put critical data on their servers to enable access from anywhere. Though such documents are kept isolated, it is easy to get access to such pages. Unless specified in the robots.txt file, all the documents on a particular site are indexed by the search engine spiders. Such documents are then available to the public via search engine queries. Some of the advanced queries like ext:doc or filetype:doc will search all the word doc files available on the servers. Similarly private will search for all instances of private on the site

    To protect yourself from such attacks you should take necessary precautions like avoiding any storage of critical or sensitive data on the server. If it is necessary, use robots.txt file to avoid indexing of such documents or folders. E.g. User-agent: *
    Disallow: /documents

    These instructions will not allow the contents of folder "documents" to be indexed by any search engine spider. Similarly the meta tag "meta name='SPIDERNAME' content='NOARCHIVE' " can be used on individual HTML pages, if you do not want that page to be indexed by any search engine. Here you need to put the correct spider name of search engine you want to block.

    Lastly you should also check if your web server allows directory listing. Directory listing will allow anyone to see the contents of directory by typing in the website address and existing folder name. If you type, and you see the contents of the directory, you should immediately talk to the web host and get it disabled for your site.

    Though it is virtually impossible for a normal website owner to avoid all hacking attempts, it is possible to minimize them using some basic precautions.

    Thursday, September 2, 2010

    Some Music for Romantic mood....!!!!

    Hiiiieeezzz everyone!!

    I m back again. i was just sitting in my room thinking about my video that i've created... so then i think why should not i share it with u....
    Plz  enjoy this beautiful song by Taylor Swift : CRAZIER.....

    Enjoy. Good day!!!
